Default settings for viewport. If any setting is not listed in scope, it will be copied from this object.
If “hidden” part of viewport contents is less then min
, new items will be rendered. If it is
more than max
, rendered items will be destroyed. See
to get details on how this
is used in code.
min: 100
max: 150
min: 100
max: 150
Number of items in every request. See
itemsPerRequest: 10
Number of milliseconds between “auto updates”. This tracks any changes that cannot be tracked
otherwise. See
autoUpdateInterval: 1000
See ScrollerViewport._updateState
for details.
afterScrollWaitTime: 100
Number of milliseconds after which viewport will allow re-checking boundary of data. See
for details.
topBoundaryTimeout: 10000
bottomBoundaryTimeout: 10000
Amount of additional (compared to rendered) items that buffer keeps. I.e. if items 57-69 are
rendered then buffer will keep data for items 37-89. See
for details
bufferTopPadding: 20
bufferBottomPadding: 20
insertAfter = (element, target) ->
parent = target.parentNode
if target.nextSibling
next = target.nextSibling
parent.insertBefore(element, next)
is angular.js
controller. It tracks current state of bound element and makes
decisions to ask for new items, render or delete items.
Read _updateState
documentation to understand this class state
class ScrollerViewport
: angular.js scope
. Used
for communication with ScrollerItemList througe events.
: DOM Node
bound to this viewport
: could be complex object or just a function. Complex object should contain:
: index of the element to start withget
: function(start, count, callback)
. This function is called whenever new data is
: int
: int
: function(res)
. Callback should be called when needed data is ready.res
: array
. Should contain count
items in it. If request hit boundary of data, res
can contain less then count
data or even no data at all.If source
is just a function
, initialIndex
is considered to be 0.
: object
. Settings object with structure similar to
default settings
constructor: (@scope, @_element, source, settings={}) ->
@_settings = angular.merge({}, VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, settings)
Viewport keeps track of currently rendered items in format
{index: int, data: data_received_from_source_function}
@_drawnItems = []
Auto update makes sure we do not miss special or untrackable events.
@_autoUpdateHandler = null
See _updateStateAsync
for details.
@_updatePlanned = false
See _updateState
for details.
@_lastScrollTop = null
@_lastScrollTopChange = null
First update to start the process. scroll
event most likely will cause actions to
perform. Finally, _changeAutoUpdateInterval
function sets auto updates for any events
we do not track. Better later then never.
@_element.addEventListener('scroll', @_updateStateAsync)
updateSettings: (settings={}) =>
settings = angular.merge({}, VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, settings)
if @_settings.autoUpdateInterval != settings.autoUpdateInterval
@_settings = settings
updateSource: (source) =>
@_drawnItems = []
_setSource: (source) =>
start = 0
if typeof(source) == 'object'
start = source.initialIndex
source = source.get
@_buffer = new Buffer(source, start, @_settings.buffer, @_updateBufferState)
@_renderFrom = start
@_topRenderAllowed = false
Updates buffer-related state (loading top, loading bottom, etc) in scope
_updateBufferState: =>
oldReachedTop = null
oldReachedBottom = null
@scope.$applyAsync =>
@scope.scrLoadingTop = @_buffer.topIsLoading()
@scope.scrReachedTop = @_buffer.beginOfDataReached()
@scope.scrLoadingBottom = @_buffer.bottomIsLoading()
@scope.scrReachedBottom = @_buffer.endOfDataReached()
if oldReachedTop != @scope.scrReachedTop
oldReachedTop = @scope.scrReachedTop
if oldReachedBottom != @scope.scrReachedBottom
oldReachedBottom = @scope.scrReachedBottom
Sets interval for auto updates. Auto update makes sure we do not miss special or untrackable events.
_changeAutoUpdateInterval: (interval) =>
clearInterval(@_autoUpdateHandler) if @_autoUpdateHandler?
@_autoUpdateHandler = setInterval(@_updateStateAsync, interval)
_updateState: =>
During “initialization” only rendering of bottom items allowed. This is done to prevent changing of position of top (initial) element. This stage is over if content height equals to element height (that would be enough to keep initial item in place when rendering top items) or bottom boundary of data is reached.
if !@_topRenderAllowed
if @_element.scrollHeight > @_element.offsetHeight \
|| @_buffer.endOfDataReached()
@_topRenderAllowed = true
Firstly, check size of contents that is hidden on top. However, if you want to change top of rendered items, you have to make sure you won’t break current scrolling process. When user scrolls contents of viewport, it is a process stretched in time, scrollTop will be changing gradually for 30-70 ms. If you change scrollTop in the middle of that process any scrolling will be stopped and user will experience very stuttering scrolling. I found no “official” ways to determine if scrolling is going on or not, so the way to overcome this is “wait for some time and make sure scroll did not change”.
remembers last scrollTop measured and @_lastScrollTopChange
time of measurement.
now = new Date()
if @_topRenderAllowed
if @_element.scrollTop == @_lastScrollTop \
&& now - @_lastScrollTopChange > @_settings.afterScrollWaitTime
Code here assumes changing @_element.scrollTop
is safe
if @_element.scrollTop > @_settings.paddingTop.max
else if @_element.scrollTop < @_settings.paddingTop.min
Code here assumes changing @_element.scrollTop
is not safe
if @_element.scrollTop != @_lastScrollTop
@_lastScrollTop = @_element.scrollTop
@_lastScrollTopChange = now
We wanted to updated state but could not do it due to scrolling. Plan update for the next tick.
Unlike top, we can change bottom any time we need.
paddingBottom = @_element.scrollHeight - @_element.scrollTop - @_element.offsetHeight
if paddingBottom < @_settings.paddingBottom.min
else if paddingBottom > @_settings.paddingBottom.max
should not be called directly since it could cause multiple simultaneous
updates. @_updateStateAsync
makes sure only one update is performed per tick.
_updateStateAsync: =>
return if @_updatePlanned
@_updatePlanned = true
setTimeout =>
@_updatePlanned = false
, 0
Either render existing item or request more items from the top. Note that if no data available
then more data is requested, but no rendering will happen when data arrives.
is called when data arrives.
_tryDrawTopItem: =>
if @_drawnItems.length > 0
neededIndex = @_drawnItems[0].index - 1
neededIndex = -1
if neededIndex of @_buffer
@_addTopDrawnItem({index: neededIndex, data: @_buffer[neededIndex]})
@_buffer.requestMoreTopItems(@_settings.itemsPerRequest, @_updateStateAsync)
_tryDrawBottomItem: =>
if @_drawnItems.length > 0
neededIndex = @_drawnItems[@_drawnItems.length - 1].index + 1
neededIndex = @_renderFrom
if neededIndex of @_buffer
@_addBottomDrawnItem({index: neededIndex, data: @_buffer[neededIndex]})
@_buffer.requestMoreBottomItems(@_settings.itemsPerRequest, @_updateStateAsync)
Simply add new item to list of drawn items and send a command to draw this item for all
controllers. Items should be drawn this tick so update on the next tick
will see changes and will be able to make new decisions.
_addTopDrawnItem: (item) =>
@scope.$broadcast('render-top-item', item)
See @_addTopDrawnItem
for additional comments.
_addBottomDrawnItem: (item) =>
@scope.$broadcast('render-bottom-item', item)
This makes sure buffer does not grow infinitely. Buffer always contains more data than rendered, paddings are configurable.
_truncateBuffer: =>
bufferMinStart = @_drawnItems[0].index - @_settings.bufferTopPadding
bufferMaxEnd = @_drawnItems[@_drawnItems.length - 1].index + @_settings.bufferBottomPadding
@_buffer.truncateTo(bufferMinStart, bufferMaxEnd)
_removeTopDrawnItem: =>
_removeBottomDrawnItem: =>
Public method is used by ScrollerItemList
to preserve scroll position when adding or
removing items from the top. We assume that any change in height of contents are caused by
adding or removing of top items and compensate difference.
preserveScroll: (action) =>
heightBefore = @_element.scrollHeight
scrollBefore = @_element.scrollTop
heightDelta = @_element.scrollHeight - heightBefore
scrollDelta = @_element.scrollTop - scrollBefore
@_element.scrollTop += heightDelta - scrollDelta
@_lastScrollTop = @_element.scrollTop
is angular.js
controller. It manages list of items currently rendered in
Class state flow is very simple. Once instantiated, object of this class listens to viewport events (commands) using angular.js scope for adding/removing top or bottom items. Adds new properties to scope:
class ScrollerItemList
constructor: (@_$element, @_viewportController, @_$transclude) ->
@_renderedItems = []
@_viewportController.scope.$on('render-top-item', (_, source) => @_addTopItem(source))
@_viewportController.scope.$on('render-bottom-item', (_, source) => @_addBottomItem(source))
@_viewportController.scope.$on('remove-top-item', @_removeTopItem)
@_viewportController.scope.$on('remove-bottom-item', @_removeBottomItem)
@_viewportController.scope.$on('clear', @_clear)
_createItem: (source, insert_point) =>
item = {scope: null, clone: null}
@_$transclude (node, scope) ->
item.scope = scope
item.clone = node[0]
insertAfter(item.clone, insert_point)
Data should be applied after transclusion, otherwise item won’t see changes
item.scope.$apply ->
item.scope.scrIndex = source.index
item.scope.scrData =
_destroyItem: (item) ->
_addTopItem: (source) =>
@_viewportController.preserveScroll =>
@_renderedItems.unshift(@_createItem(source, @_$element[0]))
_addBottomItem: (source) =>
if @_renderedItems.length > 0
insert_point = @_renderedItems[@_renderedItems.length - 1].clone
insert_point = @_$element[0]
@_renderedItems.push(@_createItem(source, insert_point))
_removeTopItem: =>
return if @_renderedItems.length == 0
@_viewportController.preserveScroll =>
_removeBottomItem: =>
return if @_renderedItems.length == 0
_clear: =>
@_destroyItem(item) for item in @_renderedItems
@_renderedItems = []
manages items given by source function. It stores range of items in the form of
array-like object: {start: int, length: int}
and every stored index is a key in this object.
Buffer assumes that only integer indexes are stored in it. It is capable of extension and
truncating stored items.
class Buffer
: function(start, count, callback)
. See ScrollerViewport
constructor for details.
: object
: amount of time (ms) when hitting top boundary is considered valid.
After that time requests for top items will be allowed.bottomBoundaryTimeout
: same as top bottomBoundaryTimeout
, but for bottom boundary.originalStateChange
: function()
. Called when buffer state (top boundary hit, loading top,
bottom boundary hit, loading bottom) could be changed. Called in constructor. Not called in
constructor: (@_getItems, @start, @_settings, @_originalStateChange) ->
@length = 0
@_counter = 0
@_topItemsRequestId = null
@_bottomItemsRequestId = null
@_topBoundaryIndex = null
@_topBoundaryIndexTimestamp = null
@_bottomBoundaryIndex = null
@_bottomBoundaryIndexTimestamp = null
If buffer gets destroyed, noop will be called instead of function that we got in constructor. We cannot change _onStateChange in destructor because functions passed to setTimeout will still be unchanged.
@_onStateChange = =>
updateSettings: (settings) =>
@_settings = settings
make sure changes in settings change our state properly
if @_topBoundaryIndex?
delta = (@_topBoundaryIndexTimestamp - new Date()) + settings.topBoundaryTimeout
setTimeout(@_onStateChange, delta)
if @_bottomBoundaryIndex?
delta = (@_bottomBoundaryIndexTimestamp - new Date()) + settings.bottomBoundaryTimeout
setTimeout(@_onStateChange, delta)
Only one request of top items may be active at a time. That ensures that multiple actions like “scroll to bottom and back to top” does not make multiple requests.
requestMoreTopItems: (quantity, callback) =>
return if @_topItemsRequestId?
return if @beginOfDataReached()
request_id = @_topItemsRequestId
start = @start - quantity
end = @start
@_getItems start, quantity, (res) =>
Request has been canceled
return if request_id != @_topItemsRequestId
if res.length == 0
if @start < @_topBoundaryIndex
This function tracks “begin of data”. If we request top items and receive empty result, we assume that we reached “begin of data”. We will not do any requests of top items for some (configurable) time. After that time requests for top items will be allowed.
beginOfDataReached: =>
now = new Date()
return @start == @_topBoundaryIndex &&
(now - @_topBoundaryIndexTimestamp < @_settings.topBoundaryTimeout)
Allocate new request id and make everyone know we’re changing state
_startTopRequest: =>
@_topItemsRequestId = @_counter
@_counter += 1
_stopTopRequest: =>
return if @_topItemsRequestId is null
@_topItemsRequestId = null
_markTopBoundary: (topIndex) =>
@_topBoundaryIndex = topIndex
@_topBoundaryIndexTimestamp = new Date()
setTimeout(@_onStateChange, @_settings.topBoundaryTimeout)
_unmarkTopBoundary: =>
@_topBoundaryIndex = null
_addItemsToStart: (items) =>
@start -= items.length
for item, idx in items
this[@start + idx] = item
@length += items.length
requestMoreBottomItems: (quantity, callback) =>
return if @_bottomItemsRequestId?
return if @endOfDataReached()
request_id = @_bottomItemsRequestId
start = @start + @length
@_getItems start, quantity, (res) =>
Request has been canceled
return if request_id != @_bottomItemsRequestId
if res.length == 0
if @start + @length > @_bottomBoundaryIndex
endOfDataReached: =>
now = new Date()
return @start + @length == @_bottomBoundaryIndex &&
(now - @_bottomBoundaryIndexTimestamp < @_settings.bottomBoundaryTimeout)
Allocate new request id and make everyone know we’re changing state
_startBottomRequest: =>
@_bottomItemsRequestId = @_counter
@_counter += 1
_stopBottomRequest: =>
return if @_bottomItemsRequestId is null
@_bottomItemsRequestId = null
_markBottomBoundary: (bottomIndex) =>
@_bottomBoundaryIndex = bottomIndex
@_bottomBoundaryIndexTimestamp = new Date()
setTimeout(@_onStateChange, @_settings.bottomBoundaryTimeout)
_unmarkBottomBoundary: =>
@_bottomBoundaryIndex = null
_addItemsToEnd: (items) =>
for item, idx in items
this[@start + @length + idx] = item
@length += items.length
truncateTo: (start, end) =>
if @start < start
for i in [@start...start]
delete @[i]
@length = Math.max(0, @length - (start - @start))
@start = start
Cancel current top items request because we created a gap between items in this request and start of buffer
cur_end = @start + @length - 1
if cur_end > end
for i in [cur_end...end]
delete this[i]
@length = Math.max(0, @length - (cur_end - end))
Cancel current bottom items request because we created a gap between items in this request and end of buffer
topIsLoading: => @_topItemsRequestId?
bottomIsLoading: => @_bottomItemsRequestId?
Called when data source changes
destroy: =>
@_topItemsRequestId = null
@_bottomItemsRequestId = null
could be called in future because it was passed to setTimeout
Changing @_originalStateChange
to noop ensures that @_onStateChange
will not change
@_originalStateChange = ->
angular.module('scroller', [])
.directive 'scrollerViewport', ->
restrict: 'A'
scope: true
controller: ($scope, $element, $attrs) ->
viewportController = new ScrollerViewport(
$scope, $element[0], $scope[$attrs.scrollerViewport], $scope[$attrs.scrollerSettings])
$scope.$watch $attrs.scrollerSettings, (newVal) ->
, true
$scope.$watch $attrs.scrollerViewport, (newVal, oldVal)->
return if newVal == oldVal
return viewportController
.directive 'scrollerItem', ->
restrict: 'A'
priority: 1000
require: '^^scrollerViewport'
transclude: 'element'
scope: true
link: ($scope, $element, $attrs, viewportCtrl, $transclude) ->
new ScrollerItemList($element, viewportCtrl, $transclude)